OSU Graduate Programs
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How are Professional Schools different from Graduate Schools?
Professional schools offer specific degrees in areas such as law, dentistry, social work, ministry, and medicine. Professional degrees emphasize the
practical application of knowledge and skills. Upon completion of the degree, students typically apply for a license to practice that discipline. Although
there are many different kinds of lawyers and doctors, a law school graduate will most likely become a lawyer and a medical school graduate will most likely become
a doctor. Graduate recipients might become professionals, executives, professors, researchers, and more.
Why Attend Graduate School?
There are many reasons students choose to attend graduate school. Among the most cited reasons:
- A passion to learn and desire to immerse oneself in the study of a particular academic discipline.
- A love of research and/or teaching.
- A craving to increase knowledge - Wanting to become an expert in a particular field of study.
- Aspiring to advance in the workplace.
- Wanting to pursue a new career direction.
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